Homework: Does Your Child Really Understand the Concepts?

Many students and parents have a love/hate relationship with homework.  For some high achieving students who are engaged with their work and for students who enjoy a particular subject, working independently outside of the classroom may be enjoyable.  For the most part, however, students would rather not have homework after school.  While some parents expect their students to have daily homework and find it problematic if teachers fail to assign homework, many parents secretly cheer when their children have no homework because the parents are off the hook for managing the nightly task of homework completion.  Some parents may come home from a busy day at work with no desire to go to their second job helping their children with homework.  Other parents may have the desire to help, but realize that they do not understand the assignments.

No matter the situation, homework is an essential component to learning.  Homework provides students the time and opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of concepts independent of teacher guidance, practice concepts learned in class, consider new ideas, test hypotheses, work on long term projects and much more!  

Knowledgeable tutors at KIMCAN Academy organize Homework Help sessions to provide time for students to complete homework assignments independently and work with a qualified tutor.  After students work independently, we check student work to ensure that students understand the concepts, fully complete the assignments correctly and provide more help if needed. We stress working independently for two reasons. First, homework challenges students to apply what they know to complete the assignments.  Weaknesses will be evident when they are unable to correctly complete assignments independently.  Second, our goal is to develop confident independent learners.  

Homework Help is a winning situation for students and parents!